    [id] => 246
    [date] => 2019-01-03
    [doi] => 
    [title] => Empiryczna weryfikacja tezy o „nierówności" samooceny kobiet i mężczyzn
    [authors] => Kinga Lachowicz-Tabaczek
    [abstract] => 

The majority of results concerning the problem of differences in level of self-esteem between sexes show that the level of self-esteem is lower in women than in men. These findings are proved by indirect data revealing many similarities in behavior of women and persons with low self-esteem as well as men and people with high self-esteem. The purpose of the presented study was verification of the hypothesis about deficiency in the level of self-esteem in women in comparison with men. The additional aim was to specify the possible strategies of rebuilding self-esteem used by women, which were described in social identity theory (Tajfel, Turner, 1978). The results confirmed the main hypothesis and revealed clear difference in self-esteem between sexes to women disadvantage. Additionally, it was found that women do not consistently use any of methods of rebuilding self-esteem, what prove the difference between the dimensions which were perceived by them as most important and these self-views which influence their global self-esteem. On the level of self-description women seem to preserve their current gender identity and stereotype. However, the factors influencing global self-esteem in women revealed their aspiration to the social image of men.

[abstract_en] =>

The majority of results concerning the problem of differences in level of self-esteem between sexes show that the level of self-esteem is lower in women than in men. These findings are proved by indirect data revealing many similarities in behavior of women and persons with low self-esteem as well as men and people with high self-esteem. The purpose of the presented study was verification of the hypothesis about deficiency in the level of self-esteem in women in comparison with men. The additional aim was to specify the possible strategies of rebuilding self-esteem used by women, which were described in social identity theory (Tajfel, Turner, 1978). The results confirmed the main hypothesis and revealed clear difference in self-esteem between sexes to women disadvantage. Additionally, it was found that women do not consistently use any of methods of rebuilding self-esteem, what prove the difference between the dimensions which were perceived by them as most important and these self-views which influence their global self-esteem. On the level of self-description women seem to preserve their current gender identity and stereotype. However, the factors influencing global self-esteem in women revealed their aspiration to the social image of men.

[keywords] => self-esteem, empirical test, inequality [keywords_en] => self-esteem, empirical test, inequality [file_path] => /files/articles/2001-7-empiryczna-weryfikacja-tezy-o-__nierwnoci"-samooceny-kobiet-i-mczyzn.pdf [okladka] => psychologia_spoleczna.jpg [rocznik] => Rocznik: 2001 Tom: 7 Numer: 1 [strony] => 33-41 )

Empiryczna weryfikacja tezy o „nierówności" samooceny kobiet i mężczyzn


Kinga Lachowicz-Tabaczek


Rocznik: 2001 Tom: 7 Numer: 1
Strony: 33-41

The majority of results concerning the problem of differences in level of self-esteem between sexes show that the level of self-esteem is lower in women than in men. These findings are proved by indirect data revealing many similarities in behavior of women and persons with low self-esteem as well as men and people with high self-esteem. The purpose of the presented study was verification of the hypothesis about deficiency in the level of self-esteem in women in comparison with men. The additional aim was to specify the possible strategies of rebuilding self-esteem used by women, which were described in social identity theory (Tajfel, Turner, 1978). The results confirmed the main hypothesis and revealed clear difference in self-esteem between sexes to women disadvantage. Additionally, it was found that women do not consistently use any of methods of rebuilding self-esteem, what prove the difference between the dimensions which were perceived by them as most important and these self-views which influence their global self-esteem. On the level of self-description women seem to preserve their current gender identity and stereotype. However, the factors influencing global self-esteem in women revealed their aspiration to the social image of men.

self-esteem, empirical test, inequality